Press releases

March 7, 2001

In an attempt to divide our community and further confuse the issues, the prison construction/Brush Valley destruction proponents have finally gotten around to what the Brush Valley Preservation Association (BVPA) knew they would do all along. After months of hints and innuendos they have branded BVPA with the dreaded “Scarlet A” of anti-prison. Some of the rhetoric directed at BVPA is almost reminiscent of the MacCarthy communist witch-hunts. Statements like “why don’t you tell it like it is”, questions about the integrity of our members, and accusations that BVPA is not concerned about our entire community have been printed. At the same time however, the lock step, fall in line stance of our area’s political and business leaders is closer the style of Joe Stalin.

Why do theses people portray BVPA in such a negative light? In reality we are not anti-prison. In fact, we still support the construction of a prison on an alternate site, preferably East of Natalie. As to some of the prison related information we have released being negative, it is only to counter the unrealistic and exaggerated claims made be the supporters of destroying Brush Valley. Unlike the people in power, BVPA believes the general population is entitled to the true facts, and is intelligent enough to use them to make informed choices. BVPA is simply saying that because another prison may not provide all the benefits that are being promised, it is even more critical to build it where any negative aspects will be minimal, compared to building it in Brush Valley where it would be an ecological, social, and financial disaster.

In light of the not so flattering prison facts that BVPA has found, some of the prison supporters are scrambling to temper their original claims that a prison would be so wonderful. However, I was at that propaganda rally that was passed off as a public meeting and I watched as many of these same people made passionate, if not nauseating pleas for a prison, while singing its praises. These people promised everything, including our children, to the Bureau of Prisons. It was actually a little scary.

It may be likely that BVPA is being attacked because we refuse to blindly follow, like sheep, the plans of people who have counted on ignorance and apathy to further their own agendas for too long. By actually questioning and researching we have formed our own opinions, something that our leaders may not have foreseen. Also, it may be making the powers that be a little nervous now that BVPA has proven that every citizen has the right to information held by any governmental entity. BVPA was initially denied access to certain documents that the County claimed could not be released, but by invoking the state “Right to Know Law” BVPA was able to make them public. This is certainly a shift in the way things were done in Northumberland County in the past. Hopefully BVPA has set a precedent that will help bring a little fresh air to the politics of our area. Remember, resistance is NOT futile.

BVPA would also like to state that we are very sensitive to the need for jobs in our area. This is the primary reason that we support a prison’s construction at Natalie East. As long as the needs and concerns of the entire community are addressed, any jobs a new prison might bring would most certainly be welcomed. We are glad for anyone who has a prison job and hope anyone who wants one can get it. But to all the people who believe that they may find employment at a new prison please keep in mind that not everyone can be hired at a new prison, nor does everyone want to work there. We must therefore take into consideration of the needs and wishes of the entire community, and provide opportunity for everyone. This is even more important because a prison could have such an extreme impact on our area, both negative and positive.

BVPA has in its possession much new information about prisons, some of which contradicting what is being spoon-fed to our people. We also have new facts about the suitability of Natalie East, making it even more viable for a prison site. Also we have uncovered much more information on how Northumberland County lags behind other more progressive counties in regards to recreation, open space and planning, and the real benefits it brings. (Coal banks and remodeled comfort stations do not constitute a thriving tourism industry) BVPA will be publishing this information soon. As for now we invite all concerned groups or individuals to contact us through our web site or post box address so we can discuss the issues and share ideas. This is much too important for us all not to work together.

Finally, in all the contacts BVPA has made with people in other areas, the response has always been the same “Why?” BVPA believes we may have uncovered something that might at least partially answer that question. When projects such as the Brush Valley destruction/prison construction plan are undertaken they are almost always financed by bond floating, which in turn sends our area further into debt. Even if there is no new bond issue to finance the counties plan for Brush Valley, this $7 million will still come from one of any number of bond issues that have by some estimates put Northumberland County $44million in the red. BVPA has obtained records showing that the fees associated with this debt are tremendous, and that the same people and companies are almost always the recipients of these fees. Very often these same people and companies then make substantial political contributions to the elected officials who initiate and promote the projects that necessitate the floating of these bonds. BVPA wonders if the decision to undertake projects like Brush Valley may be influenced by something other than the common good of all citizens. BVPA will be releasing this information as well in the near future.

John R. Faraguna